Leadership. Commitment. Service.


Meeting your needs

Please help us understand how we can better address your unique needs and requirements:

How many students are in your school?


Do you have a need to track non-judicial incidents on campus?

Yes     No

If so, how many people would use such a system?


Please breakdown by department if possible


What system is currently being used to manage non judicial incidents?
(Please check all that apply)

Paper/Manual System
Access Database

Do you have a budget for this type of system?

Yes: Please state the amount:

No, We're creating one on:

When do you like a system to be deployed?

Who else would be involved in making an acquisition decision?


What do you value most in a non-judicial incident Management system?
(please rank)

Federal Compliance
Accurate Reporting 
Reduce Processing Cost
Security System
Technical Support and Maintenance
Ease of Use
Timely Information
Web/Internet Access
Use by Other Campuses
Others, Please help us understand what is important to you.

What do you value in a vendor
(please rank)

Long Term Relationship
Education Sector Experience
Implementation Skills
Training and Collaboration
On-going support
Hosting and managed services
System Integration
Vendor with more than one product
Others, Please help us understand how we can earn your business.  

Do you have enough staff and resources to manage and support a new system?

Yes, Our Department will manage and support the system.
No, The system vendor will be expected to manage and support the system.

Would you be interested in having the Vendor host a your judicial management system off-site?

Yes     No

What other systems do you have an immediate need for?
(e.g., housing/dinning, athletics, health care, etc.)












May we contact you for further follow up questions?

Yes     No