Leadership. Commitment. Service.
Campus Counts
Pave System’s Campust Counts is the world’s only full-featured concerning-event management system. As part of the larger Pave Suite of products, it offer exclusive and unique features you won’t find anywhere else:

With logical event procedures and numerous management options, you can control exactly what happens, who knows about it, and what response actions you take

  • Use the Portal feature to allow any member of your campus community to report strange or concerning event
  • Route events to the appropriate department or administrator and notify parents when appropriate
  • Create and manage a virtually unlimited hierarchy of event types- from mental health concerns, to facilities problems, and security breaches
  • Notification flags allow designated users from across the campus to be instantly informed when a new incident is entered. Flags can be created for student ID, ethnicity, location, event type, time of day, and hundreds of other attribute
  • Event reports allow the tracking of witnesses, affected parties, unnamed parties, or the involvement of student organizations
  • Share reports with concerned parties through an easy-to-use email function. Or invite them to be part of the response proces
  • Create unlimited FOLLOW UPS- actions taken by your institution in response to the event. Track each one individually in a contact log-style interface
  • Transfer events to other Pave Suite products such as Judicial Action 5, where they are better handled
  • Record events, map locations, capture images and use with your iPad, iPhone or other mobile devices